In abap2UI5, each application is represented by a single ABAP class. While you can embed all logic within a single class, it is generally better practice to keep individual classes manageable in size. This can be achieved by creating multiple classes that interact with each other, allowing you to build reusable, generic applications and popups that can be called in various contexts.
Cross App Navigation
To call an ABAP class, use the following code:
METHOD z2ui5_if_app~main.
DATA(lo_app) = NEW z2ui5_cl_new_app( ).
client->nav_app_call( lo_app ).
The framework maintains a call stack. In the newly called class, you can return to the previous application using:
METHOD z2ui5_if_app~main.
client->nav_app_leave( ).
If you need to access data from the previous application, use casting as follows:
METHOD z2ui5_if_app~main.
IF client->check_on_navigated( ).
DATA(lo_called_app) = CAST z2ui5_cl_new_app( client->get_app_prev( ) ).
client->message_box_display( `Input made in the previous app:` && lo_called_app->mv_input ).
To navigate to an application without adding it to the call stack, use:
METHOD z2ui5_if_app~main.
DATA(lo_app) = NEW z2ui5_cl_new_app( ).
client->nav_app_leave( lo_app ).
Sound familiar? The abap2UI5 framework emulates the classic call screen
and leave to screen
behaviour here.
It is recommended to use backend communication exclusively for view changes or popup calls. If you’re using a launchpad, consider navigating through the launchpad to utilize browser navigation and history. Here’s an example:
val = client->cs_event-cross_app_nav_to_ext
t_arg = VALUE #( (
`{ semanticObject: "Z2UI5_CL_LP_SAMPLE_04", action: "display" }`
) ) ).
To learn more about launchpads and routing, refer to the documentation here.
Inner App Navigation
Coming Soon... (PRs welcome)