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abap2UI5 relies heavily on JSON handling for frontend/backend communication, initially using /UI2/CL_JSON. Over time, various issues arose because certain functionalities were not available in specific releases and its limited documentation.

To address these challenges, abap2UI5 uses the open-source project ajson for JSON handling.

Using ajson significantly reduces dependencies on SAP APIs. Moreover, it provides a straightforward and reliable approach to JSON handling, thanks to its clear API, excellent documentation, quick support for issue resolution, and best of all — it is compatible from version 702 to ABAP Cloud.


It is integrated into the project under the z2ui5 namespace and automatically installed with every abap2UI5 installation. You can access it directly using:



Every update and bug fix in ajson is automatically reflected in abap2UI5 via GitHub Actions and the mirror-ajson repository, ensuring always using the latest version.