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This project uses abapGit to distribute its code and manage version control efficiently.

git Client

All projects artefacts are developend on an ABAP System and stored via abapGit in a GitHub repository. This makes hte project easy to install on any system for customers. Updates are always distributed at sofort and can be pulled by every csutomer.


Contributions can be easily made via Pull Requests on GitHub. Simply create a new Pull Request and update your code using abapGit.

Apps as abapGit Artefacts

In addition to the abap2UI5 project, all developed abap2UI5 apps are also stored as abapGit objects. This allows you to manage them in any Git repository. As a result, abap2UI5 apps do not require manual deployment like mormal UI5 apps. You can install multiple abap2UI5 apps with a single abapGit pull. This also works seamlessly in ABAP Cloud contexts, reducing deployment effort and keeping everything centralized in the backend.